Translation of "they was" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Well, they was wrong, wasn't they? | حسنا , كانوا على خطأ أليس كذلك |
They were British that was what they wanted. | وهي في الواقع إقليم يتمتع بالحكم الذاتي داخليا وهو إقليم مكتف ذاتيا إلى حد كبير تابع لبريطانيا فيما وراء البحار. |
They didn't they was not looking on me. | ولكنهم لم يفعلوا , لم يكونوا ينظروا الي . |
They weren't strong. They reckoned God was easy. | لم يكونوا اقوياء ركنوا على أن الرب سهلا |
They was always worthless! | إنهم دوما عديمي القيمة |
They was never caught. | . لم يمسكهم احد حتى الآن |
They said it was lousy, and it was. | قالوا بأنه كان رديء، وكان كذلك. |
well, they was invited out like we was. | حسنا .. طلبوا منهم المغادرة مثلنا تماما |
They informed her that they believed she was pregnant. | كانت تجهز نفسها للولادة عبر مشاهدة برامج على التلفاز. |
This is what they said they thought it was. | هذه كانت ردودهم |
They was Americans, wasn't they? And they're Americans now. | همك انواأمريكان، وهم أمريكان الآن . |
They believed he was honest. | ظنوا أنه صادق. |
They believed he was honest. | صدقوا أنه صادق. |
All they needed was labor. | كل مااحتاجوه لذلك هو اليد العاملة. |
They was left to themselves. | من أي وقت مضى. لقد تركوا لأنفسهم . |
They knew it was dangerous. | كانوا على علم أنها خطرة |
They thought it was strange... | ..قالوا أنه من الغريب |
What they did was amazing. | و ما فعلوه كان مذهلا . |
They thought this was fundamental. | كانوا يظنون أن هذا شيئ مبدئى . |
They thought it was real. | لقد ظنوا ان ذلك حقيقي |
They said Hammond was killed. | لقد قالوا ان هاموند قد ق تل |
Who was it they got? | من الذي قتلوه |
They said it was theirs. | قالوا أنه لهم. |
Good boys they was too. | كانوا أولادا طيبين |
Man, man, was they clobbered. | يا رجل,'هل تضاربوا |
It was what they wanted. | لأنهم طلبوا منى ذلك |
They said he was against Caesar. They said he was discriminating because he told his disciples | قالوا أنه ضد القيصر. قالوا أنه متحيز لأنه أخبر أتباعه أو شيعته |
They answered that they didn't know where it was from. | فاجابوا انهم لا يعلمون من اين. |
So they took me. I was a message, they said. | لذا أخذوني. قالوا أني رسالة، هذا ما قالوا |
When they found me they assumed it was your fault. | وعندماوجدوني.. افترضوا أنه خطؤك .. |
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away for it was very great. | فتطلعن ورأين ان الحجر قد دحرج. لانه كان عظيما جدا. |
And when the printing press was invented what they found was they could print indulgences, which was the equivalent of printing money. | وعندما تم إختراع المطبعة ما أدركوه كان أنه بمقدورهم طباعة التساهيل، التي كانت تكافئ طباعة الأموال. |
They amplified it and they tested it, and they found, yes, this was actually basking shark DNA, which was got from the slime. | وكبروه وفحصوه ووجدوا انه بالفعل DNA لسمك قرش م تشمس وتم الحصول عليه من اللعاب |
They were not politicians. All they asked for was more freedom. | ذلك أنهم كانوا يفتقرون إلى السلطة، وما كانوا من الساسة، ولم يطالبوا بشيء غير المزيد من الحرية. |
And they answered, that they could not tell whence it was. | فاجابوا انهم لا يعلمون من اين. |
So what they did was they asked us an important question. | فما فعلوه هو سؤالنا سؤالا مهما |
They laughed because they realised what happened last night was laughable. | لقد ضحكوا لأنهم ادركوا ان ماحدث ليلة امس كان امرا مضحكا |
Especially if they was kind of mad when they got killed. | خصوصا لو كانت غاضبة عندما قتلت |
They knew I was in a hurry, so they took advantage. | عرفوا بأنني على عجل لذا فقد أستغلوا هذا الأمر |
I was clapping. They were clapping. | وكنت أصفق .. وكانوا يصفقون |
They just switched, that was it. | لقد بدلو، هذا كل ما في الأمر. |
That was basically what they said. | ذلك ما قالوه تحديد ا. |
And they thought I was crazy. | واعتقدوا انني مجنونة. |
One was that they be American. | الأول أنهم يجب أن يكونوا أمريكان. |
And what they built was eBox. | وما بنوه كان eBox. |
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