Translation of "one hundred five" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
So one hundred twenty five minus one hundred twenty five is clearly zero. | اذا 125 125 0 |
Five to the negative one hundred times five to the one hundred two, that would equal five squared, right? | 5 100 5 102 هذا يساوي 5 2، صحيح |
Five hundred. How many? One. | أراهن بخمسمائة خمسمائة . |
One hundred, plus five hundred, plus three hundred, is equal to nine hundred. | 100 500 300 فهى تساوى 900 |
One hundred eight plus seventeen is equal to one hundred twenty five over eighteen. | 108 17 125، 125 18 |
So that equals one hundred twenty five percent. | فهذا يساوي 125 |
So fifteen goes into two thousand two hundred sixty five exactly one hundred fifty one times. | اذا 2265 15 151 |
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one hundred! | واحد، اثنان، ثلاثة، أربعة، خمسة، ستة سبعة، ثمانية، تسعة، مائة! |
And twenty five goes into one hundred, four times. | و100 25 4 |
So the answer, three goes into one million seven hundred thirty five thousand ninety one it goes into it five hundred seventy eight thousand three hundred sixty three remainder two. | اذا ناتج 1735091 3 578363 والباقي 2 |
If I were to say five to the negative one hundred times three to the say, one hundred oh sorry, times five this has to be a five, too. | فاذا سألتكم كم ناتج 5 100 3 100 آه آسف، 5 |
Five hundred! | خمسمئة دولار! |
Five hundred? | خمسمائة دولار |
So this is actually one hundred (let me make the colors the same), so this is actually one hundred, plus five hundred, plus three hundred... is equal to nine hundred. | فهو فى الحقيقة 100 100 500 300 900 |
That was our first school. One hundred sixty five children. | هذه كانت مدرستنا الأولى, ١٦٥ طفل. |
Well, twelve times eleven is what that's one hundred and thirty two. one hundred and thirty two is equal to four times forty five, one hundred and sixty, one hundred and eighty, minus fourx. | حسنا ، 12 11 132 132 4 45، اي 160، 180، 4x |
Twenty five hundred people, where twenty five hundred people are there, | 2,500 شخص. عندما يتواجد 2,500 شخص هناك، |
Well, the way I think about it is, twenty five it goes into one hundred about four times so it will go into one hundred twenty five one more time. | حسنا، الطريقة التي افكر بها هي 100 25 4 اذا ناتج 125 25 سيكون اكبر |
About five hundred. | حوالي خمسمائة دولار |
Five hundred dollars. | خمسمائة دولار |
Five hundred dollars! | خمسمائة دولار ! |
Five hundred francs. | خمسمائة فرنك |
Say five hundred. | لنقل 500. |
So it's one million seven hundred thirty five thousand ninety two. | اذا 1735092 |
One hundred twenty five girls are creating and achieving their dreams. | ١٢٥ فتاة يصنعن و يحققن احلامهن |
So if we say twenty five goes into one hundred twenty five five times, then we just multiply five times five is twenty five. | حسنا اذا قلنا 125 25 5 فإننا سنضرب 5x5 25 |
Now we ask ourselves, how many times does twenty five go into one hundred twenty five? | والآن علينا أن نسأل أنفسنا، كم ناتج 125 25 |
And fifty over one hundred is the same thing as five over ten or point five. | و50 100 هي نفس قيمة 5 10 او 0.5 |
Write six hundred forty five million five hundred eighty four thousand four hundred sixty two in standard form. | اكتب العدد ستمئة وخمس واربعون مليون وخمسمئة واربع وثمانون الف واربعمئة واثنان وستون |
Seth lived one hundred five years, and became the father of Enosh. | وعاش شيث مئة وخمس سنين وولد أنوش. |
Five hundred at least. | خمسمائة على الأقل |
Two thousand, five hundred.... | .... الفان و خمسمائة |
Five hundred seventy one million two hundred thirty thousand pounds of paper towels are used by Americans every year. | 571 مليون و 230 ألف رطل من المناشف الورقية تستخدم من قبل الأميركيين |
105 (one hundred five) is the natural number following 104 and preceding 106. | 105 (مائة وخمسة) هو عدد صحيح يلي العدد 104 ويسبق العدد 106 وهو عدد طبيعي موجب. |
(carefully) Ninety one times thirty six hundred. that equals a huge number divided by five thousand, two hundred and eighty. | (بعناية) واحد وتسعون مرة ثلاثة آلاف وستمئة، هذا يساوي عدد كبير مقسوما على خمسة آلاف، مئتان وثمانين |
Five hundred dollars a week? | خمسمائة دولارا فى الأسبوع |
If I asked you what five to the third power is, well that will go into five times five times five, which equals one hundred and twenty five. | اذا سألتكم ما ناتج 5 3 حسنا ، سيكون 5 5 5 ما يساوي 125 |
The donkeys were thirty thousand five hundred of which Yahweh's tribute was sixty one. | والحمير ثلاثين الفا وخمس مئة وزكاتها للرب واحدا وستين. |
That makes sense that that's also one hundred twenty five percent of the price. | فهذا منطقيا يساوي 125 من ثمن السلعة |
So, six and seventeen eighteenths is equal to one hundred twenty five over eighteen. | اذا 6 17 18 125 18 |
One hundred twenty five girls will not be married when they're 12 years old. | ١٢٥ فتاة لن تتزوج في سن التانيه عشر |
These shall be its measures the north side four thousand and five hundred, and the south side four thousand and five hundred, and on the east side four thousand and five hundred, and the west side four thousand and five hundred. | وهذه اقيستها. جانب الشمال اربعة آلاف وخمس مئة وجانب الجنوب اربعة آلاف وخمس مئة وجانب الشرق اربعة آلاف وخمس مئة وجانب الغرب اربعة آلاف وخمس مئة. |
Five times eighty one minus nine, let's figure out what five times eighty one is, so eighty one times five, one times five is five, eight times five is forty, so this right over here is four hundred and five, so it becomes four hundred and five minus nine, so that is going to be equal to if we are subtracting ten it would be 395, but we're subtracting one less than that so it's 396, and we're done. | 9. 5 81 9، دعونا نجد ناتج 5 81 اذا 81 5، 1 5 5، 8 5 40 |
and thirty thousand five hundred donkeys, | ومن الحمير ثلاثين الفا وخمس مئة |
Five thousands six hundred and seventyseven. | خمسة آلاف وستمائة وسبعة وسبعين. |
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