Translation of "had brought" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I had him brought here. | لقد قمت بأحضاره الى هنا. |
Giuliana had brought him over. | . جوليانا قامت ب إحضاره |
Time had brought me revenge on Lionel. | (الزمن أحضر لي ثأرا من (ليونيل |
She had the ceiling brought from Portugal. | لقد جلبت السقف من البرتغال. |
None of them had been brought to trial. | ولم تقدم أي منهن للمحاكمة. |
Look where my belief had brought me to. | أنظر إلى أين أتي بي إيماني. |
Had I known, I'd have brought some cash. | لو كنت أعرف لأحضرت الكثير من النقود |
The officer never knew who had brought the cigarette. | لم يعرف الضابط من أخرج الكنز. |
Up here we had brought down the five before. | هنا قد أنزلت الخمسة من قبل |
They brought the boat here and had a smoke. | لقد جاؤوا بالمركب الى هنا ، وقاموا بالتدخين قليلا . |
They brought him who had been blind to the Pharisees. | فأتوا الى الفريسيين بالذي كان قبلا اعمى. |
No cases alleging discrimination had been brought up so far. | ولم ت رفع حتى اﻵن دعاوى تزعم وقوع تمييز. |
And Aaron knew that he had brought them to shame. | و عرف هارون أنه قد أتى بهم إلى العار |
Thus the truth prevailed , and that which they had brought vanished . | فوقع الحق ثبت وظهر وبطل ما كانوا يعملون من السحر . |
Thus the truth prevailed , and that which they had brought vanished . | فظهر الحق واستبان لمن شهده وحضره في أمر موسى عليه السلام ، وأنه رسول الله يدعو إلى الحق ، وبطل الكذب الذي كانوا يعملونه . |
It had therefore brought the issue to the Senior Management Group. | ولذا رفعت الأمر إلى فريق الإدارة العليا. |
Someone had brought in my belongings, my books, typewriter and clothes. | شخص ما جلب كل أشيائي... كتبي، آلتي الكاتبة، ملابسي. |
China, for example, had signed many BITs, but no investment cases had been brought against it. | فالصين على سبيل المثال، وقعت عددا كبيرا من معاهدات الاستثمار الثنائية ولكن لم ترفع ضدها دعاوى استثمار. |
Also Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of Yahweh, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought out of Jerusalem, and had put in the house of his gods | والملك كورش اخرج آنية بيت الرب التي اخرجها نبوخذناص ر من اورشليم وجعلها في بيت آلهته. |
Would that they had brought four witness to testify to their report . Since they brought none , they are liars before God . | لولا هلا جاء وا أي العصبة عليه بأربعة شهداء شاهدوه فإذا لم يأتوا بالشهداء فأولئك عند الله أي في حكمه هم الكاذبون فيه . |
Would that they had brought four witness to testify to their report . Since they brought none , they are liars before God . | هلا أتى القاذفون بأربعة شهود عدول على قولهم ، فحين لم يفعلوا ذلك فأولئك هم الكاذبون عند الله . |
I had two cats... which I brought ashore... on my first raft. | ..... كان لدى قطتان .... |
I brought it as a gift. I've had your monogram inscribed here. | لقد جلبتها كهدية، وهناك كلمات خاصة محفورة هنا |
In fact , he had brought them the truth and had acknowledged the Messengers ( who were sent before him ) . | قال تعالى بل جاء بالحق وصد ق المرسلين الجائين به ، وهو أن لا إله إلا الله . |
In fact , he had brought them the truth and had acknowledged the Messengers ( who were sent before him ) . | كذ بوا ، ما محمد كما وصفوه به ، بل جاء بالقرآن والتوحيد ، وصد ق المرسلين فيما أخبروا به عنه من شرع الله وتوحيده . |
What had happened was, a Chinese family had moved from Philadelphia to Atlanta, and brought that with them. | لأن ما حدث هو أن كانت قد انتقلت عائلة الصينية من اتلانتا ل عذرا ، من فيلادلفيا الى اتلانتا ، |
These Jews had been brought from Himyar for burial in the holy land. | هؤلاء اليهود قد تم جلبهم من حمير لدفنهم في الأراضي المقدسة. |
while We had brought the jinn into being before out of blazing fire . | والجان أبا الجان وهو إبليس خلقناه من قبل أي قبل خلق آدم من نار السموم هي نار لا دخان لها تنفذ من المسام . |
and had thought that they would never be brought back to life again . | إنه ظن أن مخففة من الثقيلة واسمها محذوف ، أي أنه لن يحور يرجع إلى ربه . |
while We had brought the jinn into being before out of blazing fire . | وخلقنا أبا الجن ، وهو إبليس م ن ق ب ل خلق آدم من نار شديدة الحرارة لا دخان لها . |
The torture victims had been released and the true perpetrators brought to justice. | وأ طلق سراح ضحايا التعذيب، وق د م مرتكبو الجريمة الحقيقيين إلى العدالة. |
The Conference had brought together more than 100 participants from over 40 countries. | وشارك في المؤتمر أكثر من 100 مندوب من ما يزيد عن 40 بلدا . |
The increased assistance provided by international financial institutions had brought its own problems. | وقال إن زيادة المساعدات المقدمة من المؤسسات المالية الدولية جاءت بمشاكلها الخاصة بها. |
I had been brought in to talk to these kids for an hour. | لقد كنت قد أتيت لأتكلم لهؤلاء الأطفال لمدة ساعة.. |
Everything looked fine... except I didn't like the witness Phyllis had brought in. | كل شئ كان يبدو على ما يرام عدا أنه لم يعجبنى الشاهد الذى أحضرته (فيليس) |
Also Cyrus the king brought forth the vessels of the house of the LORD, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Jerusalem, and had put them in the house of his gods | والملك كورش اخرج آنية بيت الرب التي اخرجها نبوخذناص ر من اورشليم وجعلها في بيت آلهته. |
I've had a chance to go to Haiti, Uganda, to inaudible and all these stories with just a simple photograph, brought a smile, brought some differences, brought a change in their life. | استطعت الذهاب الى هايتي ، أوغندا وكل تلك القصص، باستخدام صورة بسيطة رسمت بسمة، أحدثت فرقا ، |
With the restoration of democracy, existing institutions had had to be brought back into line with the constitutional system. | ومع إعادة الديمقراطية، كان أن تعاد المؤسسات القائمة إلى أن تتمشى مع النظام الدستوري. |
I had a homework assignment to do so I brought my books, she says | كان علي إنهاء واجبي المدرسي في المنزل، لذلك أحضرت كتبي ، تقول نادرة. |
When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything, and followed him. | ولما جاءوا بالسفينتين الى البر تركوا كل شيء وتبعوه |
Had me brought up to his office, I have to admit he's quite charming. | جعلني احضر الى مكتبه يجب ان اعترف انه فاتن جدا |
The Chairman asked the petitioner whether the cases he had cited had been brought before the Commission on Human Rights. | 80 الرئيس سأل مقدم الالتماس عما إذا كانت القضايا التي ذكرها قد عرضت على لجنة حقوق الإنسان. |
In 2002, Afghanistan had opened a new chapter in its history which had brought hope for peace, stability and reconstruction. | 13 وأضاف قائلا إن أفغانستان فتحت في عام 2002 فصلا جديدا في تاريخها الذي أوجد الأمل في السلام والاستقرار والتعمير. |
It happened, after he had eaten bread, and after he had drunk, that he saddled the donkey for the prophet whom he had brought back. | ثم بعدما اكل خبزا وبعد ان شرب شد له على الحمار اي للنبي الذي ارجعه |
And when they had cast , Moses said That which ye have brought is magic . Lo ! | فلما ألقوا حبالهم وعصيهم قال موسى ما استفهامية مبتدأ خبره جئتم به السحر بدل وفي قراءة بهمزة واحدة إخبار فما اسم موصول مبتدأ إن الله سيبطله أي سيمحقه إن الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين . |
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