ترجمة "كانا" إلى اللغة الإنجليزية:
قاموس العربية-إنجليزي
أمثلة (مصادر خارجية ، لم تتم مراجعتها)
كانا يستكشفان اللوحة. كانا يلهوان بها. | They explored the keyboard. They played around with it. |
كانا سيتزو جان. | They were getting married. |
كانا سعيدين | They were pleased. |
كلاهما كانا ذكرين. | Both are of the male sex. |
كانا متلائمان معا | They look very good together |
كانا كلانا وقحا . | We were both rude. |
كانا مختلفين جدا. | They were so different. |
كانا يسألان عن عملة البلد، كانا يعتقدان بأنهما قد وصلا إلى إيطاليا. | They asked what country this was, and its currency they thought they had landed in Italy. |
كانا والدي سامي مسلمين. | Sami's parents were Muslims. |
كلا والدي كانا مدر سان. | Both my parents were teachers. |
كانا وقفين في صف . | They were standing in a line. |
كانا واقفين في طابور. | They were standing in a queue. |
نظرت. كلاهما كانا ذكرين. | I look. Both are of the male sex. |
كانا يقلدانها بطريقتهما الخاصة. | They imitated on their own. |
كانا يبحثان عني موريل | They're looking for me, Murrell. |
كانا يلعبان الترابيز الترابيز | The trapèze. Trapèze. Seems to be... |
الرجلين اللذين كانا يطاردانك .. | The men who were chasing you |
ربما كانا صائدو طيور | Perhaps they were fowlers. |
الطالبان كانا يرافقانه للمنزل | The students were escorting him home. |
كانا عاجزان عن الكلام. | They were speechless. |
كانا صامتين كلما اقتربا | They were silent as they drew close. Later, they remained silent. |
توم وميري كانا صديقان مقربان. | Tom and Mary were close friends. |
كانا والدي سامي يخافان المسلمين. | Sami's parents were afraid of Muslims. |
كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان. | Sami and Layla were arguing. |
كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا. | Sami and Layla were friends with each other. |
حسنا، ماذا لو كانا متوازيين | Well, what if they are parallel? |
كانا أمرين من محض الصدف. | But they were random things. |
كانا دورتي حياة لنفس البطل | They were two lifetimes of the same hero. |
كانا يبكيان حقا ويصليان ويفكران، | They had been literally crying and praying and thinking, |
نعم , هل تعرفينه كانا مشهوران | Yes, you know him? They were a famous couple |
وبينما كانا يغلقان باب السيارة | Two civilians had been struck down by a tankís machine gun fire. |
رأينا شيئين كانا في الصف. | And as we saw two things, they were in the class. |
كانا يعتبرونه نوعا من التفكير. | They saw it as thinking. |
كانا يحاولان فهم طريقة عملها. | They figured out how it worked. |
هذان الشخصان كانا بصحبتي الليلة | These two have been with me tonight. Yes, sir. |
آجل ، كانا قطعتان من المتحف | Yes, they were museum pieces. |
ـ علمنا أنهما كانا يتشاجران | We know that they quarreled. |
فالبيوتر والألومنيوم كانا ضعيفين جدا . | Pewter and aluminum were too soft. |
.والداي كانا على عكس هذا ! | My parents were just the opposite. |
أدرك بأنهما كانا ي سحبان مع ا | He realized that they were being drawn together. |
لماذا كانا مص اصة دماء ولص | Why were they a bloodsucker and a thief? |
من سوء الحظ ان اثنين من صرب كوسوفو كانا مرشحين في الانتخابات كانا ضحيتين لحادثين خطيرين. | Unfortunately, two of the Kosovo Serbs who courageously stood in the election were both victims of serious incidents. |
أخذت قطعتي الورق هذين، وليسا مثل هذين تماما، كانا على شكل A4 لذلك كانا أكبر حجما. | I get these two pieces of paper, not like this, A4 format, so it's much bigger. |
ليلى و سامي كانا في الش اطئ. | Layla and Sami were on the beach. |
كانا سامي و ليلى عالقين، ينتظران. | Sami and Layla were stuck waiting. |