ترجمة "ضدي" إلى اللغة الإنجليزية:

  قاموس العربية-إنجليزي

الكلمات الدالة : Against Charges Turned Hold Turn

  أمثلة (مصادر خارجية ، لم تتم مراجعتها)

تزيد السعر ضدي
You bid against me?
هيا، استخدامه ضدي.
Come on, use it against me.
! مش حتقدر تمشي ضدي
You cannot resist me!
وله العالم بأكمله ضدي.
and have the whole world against me.
ما الذي لديهم ضدي
What have they got against me?
لا دليل ضدي سواك
There's no proof against me, besides you.
يوم تجرأ وزايد ضدي
The day he dared to bid against me.
ولكن ابني يتآمر ضدي
But that my son should conspire against me...
ما عندهم شيء ضدي
They have nothing against me.
حتى أسرتي تحول ضدي
Even my own family's turned against me.
لديهم شيء ما ضدي
They've got something against me.
كلكم اجتمعتم الان ضدي .
You're all plotting against me!
إذن فهي نكتة ضدي شخصيا.
So it s a joke against myself.
إذن فهي نكتة ضدي شخصيا.
So it's a joke against myself.
هل تستخدمين الان قوتك ضدي
Are you bragging right now, how much strength you have?
أخذت بيدي , تميل قليلا ضدي .
Taking my arm, leaning lightly against me.
الى متى ستكون يدك ضدي
How long will your hand be set against me?
هذه الصحيفة تقول الجميع ضدي
This newspaper says everybody's against me.
بعض الوعاظ قد يكونوا ضدي.
Some of the preachers might be against me.
إن لم تكن معي فأنت ضدي .
You're either with me or against me.
الناس معي هذه القضية ملفقة ضدي.
People are with me.
كان زميلي مذعور ا، لأن عملي ضدي.
My clerk's, like, freaking out, because my position's going against me.
تلك المرأة أسوف تأخذ بكلمتها ضدي
Would you take her word against mine?
استطيع اذا عملت معي وليس ضدي
I can, if you'll work with me, not against me.
الكل ضدي لم أفعل اي شيء
Everyone is against me. I have done nothing.
تقتحمونوتطرحونرجلافيالأرض، لا تملكون أي شيء ضدي
You bust in and shove a guy around. You got nothing on me.
لا أضخمها، حتى أراك تستخدمها ضدي
I do not, till you practice them on me.
وبأي حال، كل رجاله سينقلبون ضدي
In any case, all his men will turn against me.
لقد كانت دائما ضدي,لاأعرف لماذا!
She was always against me, I don't know why!
تكمن العنصرية ضدي بسبب لون بشرتي الداكنة.
Many discriminate against me because of my very dark skin colour.
دعوتي علي و تأملتي ضدي في منزلي.
Prayed against and meditated against in me own home.
لا تحملهم ضدي الاشياء التي قمت بنائها
Don't hold them against me, the things I've built.
أنت دس التى كامل المدينة هل ضدي
Are you insinuating that the entire city is against me?
إذا ذهبت الآن ستحملين ذلك دوم ا ضدي
If you go now, you'll always hold it against me.
أنها تستخدم حركة ضدي .تدعى رمية الكاحل
What she does, she gets me in a sort of thing called a sweepingankle throw.
يهمس لها , شكرا ايها الحب . قليلا ,قليلا ضدي .
Her whispering, Thanks love. Lightly, lightly against me.
لا شيء لدي ضدك، ولا شيء لديك ضدي
I've got nothing against you. You've got nothing against me.
أفض ل أن يكون معي عن أن يكون ضدي
I'd rather have him with me than against me.
كلما كانوا ضدي كلما سأواجههم من اجل كيب
The more they're against me, the more I'll stand up for Kip.
لاريد هذان الخصمان الصعبان ضدي في نفس الوقت.
I don't want these two fellows pitching knuckleballs at me at the same time.
تقول ان الميثودية فاسدة الأسقفية، والمعمدانيين هم ضدي
It says the mildewed Methodists, Episcopalians, and Baptists are against me.
حتى المتعصب، متحجر, معترض عمودية الكنيسة المشيخية ضدي
Even the ossified, petrified, horizontal, perpendicular Presbyterians are against me!
لا تأتي الى هنا و تتعاون معها ضدي !
You do not come in here and team up against me with her.
تجدد شهودك تجاهي وتزيد غضبك علي . نوب وجيش ضدي
You renew your witnesses against me, and increase your indignation on me. Changes and warfare are with me.
تجدد شهودك تجاهي وتزيد غضبك علي . نوب وجيش ضدي
Thou renewest thy witnesses against me, and increasest thine indignation upon me changes and war are against me.