ترجمة "ضدنا" إلى اللغة الإنجليزية:

  قاموس العربية-إنجليزي

الكلمات الدالة : Against Turned Using Turn Stand

  أمثلة (مصادر خارجية ، لم تتم مراجعتها)

فتحولوا ضدنا.
And then they turned on us.
المدعىالعامسيستخدمهذا ضدنا.
The district attorney will use that against us.
عائلاتنا ضدنا
Our families are against us.
ماذا لديك ضدنا
What have you got against us?
انه مشكله .. انه ضدنا
He's against us.
تقف مع البشر ضدنا
You side with humans against us.
واذا جاء التصويت ضدنا
Even if the people's vote is not successful,
ا نهم يجهزون للحرب ضدنا
They're preparing for war against us.
أنت إما معنا, أو ضدنا.
You are either with us, or against us.
أنت إما معنا, أو ضدنا.
You're either with us or against us.
أنت إما معنا, أو ضدنا.
You are either with us or against us.
أنت إما معنا, أو ضدنا.
You're either with us or you're against us.
السيده تساعدنا و ليست ضدنا
The Memsahib is with us, not against.
. هذا كل ما لديه ضدنا
That's all he's got on us.
أى سلاح كان يستخدمه ضدنا
Tell this council the weapon used against you.
غالبا أنتن النساء ستصوتون ضدنا
Primarily because you women would probably vote it down.
لكن كاليغولا اصدر امرا ضدنا
But Caligula's decreed against us.
وجميع الرجال المفيدون هم ضدنا
And all the useful men are on the other side.
...حسنا، إذا تحولت ضدنا الآن
Well, if you turn against us now...
من يقف ضدنا ، نتخلص منه
Whoever's against us or gets in our way, we get rid of.
إذا لم تكن معنا فأنت ضدنا.
If you're not with us then you're against us.
ضدنا بالاغتصاب. الفتيات لم يريدوا ذلك.
The girls wouldn't do it.
هذا السيد كان يقف وحيدا ضدنا.
This gentleman has been standing alone against us.
و سنسحق كل جيش يرسلونه ضدنا
And we'll smash every army they send against us.
و متى يكونون جاهزين للتحرك ضدنا
When will they be prepared? Tomorrow, with the morning wind.
اخشى ان المد سيصبح قريبا ضدنا
I'm afraid the tides will soon be against you.
ولكن حين نفعل هذا، نتعرض للتمييز ضدنا.
But then, when we do, we're discriminated against.
كان ذلك رائعا لغاية، حجب الإشارة ضدنا.
That was quite impressive, jamming the signal against us.
أنهم يعتقدون انك انضممت مع شمشون ضدنا
They think you've joined Samson against us.
فهو ضدنا جميعا . ضد مبادىء هذه الرحلة.
He's against all of us, against the very concept of this journey.
لن نتمكن من التصدي لمائة من المدافع ضدنا
We can't fight with 100 guns against us.
كل ما كان يعملة كان أن يخطط ضدنا.
All he could do was to plot against us.
لايبدو ان الاهالي ينوون التظاهر ضدنا ، اليس كذلك
The people seem very quiet, don't they?
تنوى اقامة دعوى ضدنا بعد التعاقد مع الحزب الجمهورى
You intend to file a lawsuit against us after signing a contract with GOP?
هناك الناس، الذين ، إن لم يكونوا معنا، فهم ضدنا.
There are those who, if they're not with us, are against us.
وتغير المناخ بالتأكيد سوف ينقلب ضدنا في فترة ما
And climate change is certainly going to turn all of our theories and predictions on their heads.
بعد 9 11 اما ان تكون معنا او ضدنا.
After 9 11, either you were with us or against us.
، إذا لم يوقفوا إطلاق الصواريخ ضدنا فأنتم في خطر .
5th January 2009
ايها الرفاق, ان العدو قد عبأ كل قواه ضدنا
Comrades, the enemy has mobilised all his forces against us!
و أى أمه تجرؤ على أن تشهر السيف ضدنا
From the frontiers of Sinai and Libya to the cataracts of the Nile. What nation would dare draw the sword against us?
الأم تقول بأنهم كانوا ضدنا لأنها لا تختلط معهم
Mother says they were against us because she wouldn't mix with them.
لا نعرف من يؤيدنا ومن يقف ضدنا. دمر هذا الإنسانية.
We do not know who is for us, and who is not for us, and that has destroyed humanity.
.حسنا . إذن يجب ان نمنعه من استخدام شعره السحري ضدنا
Well than, we must stop him from using his magic poetry against us.
السماء والبحر يتواطئان ضدنا إلى ما لا نهاية في الأعلى
While I type this, Israeli tanks have just entered the Strip.
يمكننا هزيمة أي شيئ يرسلونه ضدنا إذا أردنا ذلك حقا
We can beat anything they send against us if we really want to.