ترجمة "ذراعيه" إلى اللغة الإنجليزية:
قاموس العربية-إنجليزي
أمثلة (مصادر خارجية ، لم تتم مراجعتها)
فتح ذراعيه واسع ا | He flings his arms wide |
هويرفعها بين ذراعيه. | He holds her in his arms |
سأتولى ذراعيه, وأنت قدمه | I'll get his arms. You get his legs. |
ذهبت إلى ذراعيه بات زان | She came into his arms gravely. |
تأكدوا أن ذراعيه مشدوده بإحكام | See that his arms are tightly stretched. |
فرد ذراعيه بدت طويلة كالرمح | He stretched out his arm. It seemed as long as a spear. |
كان يحمل علبة كبيرة بين ذراعيه | He had a big box in his arms. |
اخذه على ذراعيه وبارك الله وقال | then he received him into his arms, and blessed God, and said, |
اخذه على ذراعيه وبارك الله وقال | Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, |
مثل الماعز ، مع الصبي بين ذراعيه. | like a goat, with the boy in his arms. |
نفس الرجل يحمل مارجريت بين ذراعيه | The same man holding Margaret in his arms. |
ما القوه الخفيه التى تحرك ذراعيه | What invisible power strikes through his arm? |
أنا ثقيل جدا ، وربما أكسر ذراعيه | I'd break his arms. |
أنه سيأخذني بين ذراعيه، ويقبلني ويأخدني بعيدا | That he'd take me in his arms, kiss me and take me away. |
نعم, الرجل كان معه صورة تحت ذراعيه. | Yeah, and the man had a picture under his arm. |
غنوا له ،فإنه الآن فاتحا ذراعيه لكم | Yes, sing to him as he now opens his arms to you. |
... وهكذا ماتت وأحتضنها الـ (بوذا) بين ذراعيه | And so she die... and go to arms of Buddha. |
سعيدة مستندة بين ذراعيه, نسيت سوزان الوقت. | Happy back in his arms, Suzanne forgot the time. |
تخيلت نفسي بين ذراعيه... نتواجد سويا في حفلات راقية | I imagined being in his arms... being with him in glamourous circumstances. |
ثم ألقى المتمردون إيمانويل إلى المقبرة ويداه تتدليان من ذراعيه. | With hands dangling from his arms, the rebels dumped Emmanuel in the cemetery. |
يبدو و كأنه كان بحار ذو وشم على كلا ذراعيه | Looks as if he'd been a sort of sailor. Tattooed on both arms and that kind of thing. |
لفها ، اخذها بين ذراعيه ، حنى ضهرها ، و اعطاها قبلة هوليوودية كبيرة. | He spun her around, took her in his arms, dipped her back, and gave her a big Hollywood kiss. |
لو كان يحملها تحت ذراعيه, فرنما يكون قد اشتراها من مكان قريب . | If he had it under his arm, he probably bought it somewhere nearby. |
وعندما أمسك تلك الصور العائلية... بين ذراعيه أدركت... انه كان غاضبا مني | As he held those family portraits in his arms, I realized that he was furious with me. |
وادعى أنه عومل خلال تلك الفترة معاملة سيئة للغاية وأن ذراعيه ويديه ش رطت بالسكاكين. | During this time he was allegedly severely maltreated and his arms and hands were slashed with knives. |
وهو يدعي أنه ع لﱢق بعد ذلك من ذراعيه، وأن صدمات كهربائية أ طلقت على أصابعه. | Subsequently, he allegedly was suspended by his arms, and electric shocks were applied to his fingers. |
لأن ستيفن ، على الرغم من أنه كان مشلولا ، كما هو في حمام السباحة هذا ، وليس قادرا على الكلام ، ولم يكن في استطاعته استخدام ذراعيه ، لهذا يلبس هذه الأشياء التي تساعده على الطفو على ذراعيه. | Because Steven, despite the fact that he was paralyzed, as he was in that pool, he could not walk, he could not use his arms that's why he had the little floaty things on them, did you see those? he was happy. |
وكان الرجل الخفي له بتجهم أسفل ، ولكن ذراعيه كانت حرة وانه ضرب وحاولت لركلة بوحشية. | The Invisible Man had him down grimly, but his arms were free and he struck and tried to kick savagely. |
فقبض ياهو بيده على القوس وضرب يهورام بين ذراعيه فخرج السهم من قلبه فسقط في مركبته. | Jehu drew his bow with his full strength, and struck Joram between his arms and the arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down in his chariot. |
فقبض ياهو بيده على القوس وضرب يهورام بين ذراعيه فخرج السهم من قلبه فسقط في مركبته. | And Jehu drew a bow with his full strength, and smote Jehoram between his arms, and the arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down in his chariot. |
على كل حال، مع استخدام لمدة تقل عن العشر ساعات، شخصين، أحدهما كان فاقدا لكلا ذراعيه، | Anyway, with less than 10 hours of use, two guys one that's bilateral. |
وإذا كان هناك رمز لشخص يفتح ذراعيه على اتساعهما، فهذا الشخص يقول، لقد كان بهذا الحجم. | If a person stretched their arms wide, this person is saying, It was this big. |
وبالتأكيد لم يفت انتباهكم سبب اختياري لصورة السجين الباسط ذراعيه مقترنة بصورة أنشودة الإنسانية لليوناردو دا فينشي | And it should not have escaped you that the reason I paired the prisoner with his arms out with Leonardo da Vinci's ode to humanity is that that prisoner was mentally ill. |
لذلك هكذا قال السيد الرب. هانذا على فرعون ملك مصر فاكسر ذراعيه القوية والمكسورة وأسقط السيف من يده. | Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong arm , and that which was broken and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand. |
لذلك هكذا قال السيد الرب. هانذا على فرعون ملك مصر فاكسر ذراعيه القوية والمكسورة وأسقط السيف من يده. | Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong, and that which was broken and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand. |
صديق ، وقال فينس ، فجأة يخطو إلى الأمام ، واجتماع له مع دفعة من ذراعيه طويلة ليس مطلوبا منك هنا. | Friend, said Phineas, suddenly stepping to the front, and meeting him with a push from his long arms, thee isn't wanted here. |
دعوني ابدأ بالصورة الصغيرة في الزاوية دعونا نقول انه لدينا شخص هنا هذا وجهه, وهذه رقبته وسأرسم ذراعيه | Let me start with the little picture in the corner so let's say we have a person here this is teir face, this is their neck and I'm gonna draw their arms and they have in the middle of their chest their heart. |
فأخذت دليلة حبالا جديدة واوثقته بها وقالت له الفلسطينيون عليك يا شمشون. والكمين لابث في الحجرة. فقطعها عن ذراعيه كخيط. | So Delilah took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said to him, The Philistines are on you, Samson! The ambush was waiting in the inner room. He broke them off his arms like a thread. |
فأخذت دليلة حبالا جديدة واوثقته بها وقالت له الفلسطينيون عليك يا شمشون. والكمين لابث في الحجرة. فقطعها عن ذراعيه كخيط. | Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. And he brake them from off his arms like a thread. |
والتقى وحمل على ذراعيه فتاة تبلغ من العمر أربع سنوات اغتصبها عسكريون في 16 تشرين الثاني نوفمبر 2004 عشية وصوله. | He met and took into his arms a four year old girl who had been raped by soldiers on 16 November 2004, the day before he arrived. |
أريد أن أشعر بتحسن كثير اذا كنت بين ذراعيه الآن وأشعر بحبه لي في حضن من جسده والحنان من شفتيه. | I would just feel so much better if I could curl up in his arms right now and feel his affection for me in the embrace of his body and the tenderness of his lips. |
لأن ستيفن ، على الرغم من أنه كان مشلولا ، كما هو في حمام السباحة هذا ، وليس قادرا على الكلام ، ولم يكن في استطاعته استخدام ذراعيه ، لهذا يلبس هذه الأشياء التي تساعده على الطفو على ذراعيه. هل رأيتموهما كان سعيدا . كنا على الشاطىء . كان يربي ابنه . و كان منتجا . | Because Steven, despite the fact that he was paralyzed, as he was in that pool, he could not walk, he could not use his arms that's why he had the little floaty things on them, did you see those? he was happy. We were at the beach, he was raising his son, and he was productive. |
هذا الشخص سيتم ضربه بقوة ، سيدرك عندما يكون في الهواء أنه أصيب وسوف يحاول ، أيضا ، تحريك ذراعيه في اتجاه مكان السقوط | So this character is going to be hit by a force, it's going to realize it's in the air, and it's going to try and, well, stick out its arm in the direction where it's landing. |
وكان يحمل كذلك اصابات في كلتا ذراعيه بعيدة الى حد كبير عن مستوى المعصمين نتيجة اﻻغﻻل التي بالغوا في إطباقها عليه. | He also had wounds on both arms, some way above the wrists, because the handcuffs had been too tight. |
ولما جاء الى لحي صاح الفلسطينيين للقائه. فحل عليه روح الرب فكان الحبلان اللذان على ذراعيه ككتان احرق بالنار فانحل الوثاق عن يديه. | When he came to Lehi, the Philistines shouted as they met him and the Spirit of Yahweh came mightily on him, and the ropes that were on his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands dropped from off his hands. |