ترجمة "ادرك" إلى اللغة الإنجليزية:
قاموس العربية-إنجليزي
أمثلة (مصادر خارجية ، لم تتم مراجعتها)
هو ادرك غبائك ! | She's recognized a dummy! |
حسنا , إنني ادرك هذا | Well, the fact is that I do. |
لم اكن ادرك هذا | I didn't realize this. |
لم ادرك أنه أنت | I didn't realize it was you. |
لم اكن ادرك اننى اضايقك | I didn't realize I was badgering you. |
انا اسفه , انا لم ادرك | Sorry, I didn't realise. |
وانا ادرك انني استهلكت 12 دقيقة | And I realize I've taken 12 minutes so far. |
لم ادرك هذا فقط اشياء قليلة | I didn't realize that. Just little things. |
استطيع ان ادرك اننى هنا الان | It's an idea. I can understand that now that I'm here. |
لقد ادرك ليونايدس مناورتنا و خدعتنا | Leonidas has guessed our maneuver. |
و بالتفصيل , حتى استطيع ان ادرك الموقف | And in detail, so that I can comprehend the situation! |
ادرك ان هناك منفعة للجميع من هذا, | He recognized the mutual advantage of pooling forces. |
انا لم ادرك حتى اننى جذبت الزناد | I never even knew I pulled the trigger. |
نعم، لم ادرك ابدا كم كنت مخطئة | Yes. I never realized how wrong I was. |
بالطبع لا تستطيعين ادرك انها كانت صدمة رهيبة | Of course you can't. I realize it's been a terrific jolt and you've never had to take any jolts. |
جعلنى ادرك أى نوع من الرجال أتعامل معه | It made me realise the kind of guys I was gettin' mixed up with. |
لقد ادرك اﻵباء المؤسسون لﻷمم المتحدة أهمية الشواغل اﻹنسانية. | The founding fathers of the United Nations recognized the importance of humanitarian concerns. |
انا لم ادرك ابدا ان لها اما شابة هكذا | I did not know she had a mother so young. |
نعم بالطبع انا ادرك هذا ولكني لن اذكر ذلك لهن | Yes, of course. I realize that but I wouldn't mention it to them. |
واما متى ادرك الثمر فللوقت يرسل المنجل لان الحصاد قد حضر | But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts forth the sickle, because the harvest has come. |
واما متى ادرك الثمر فللوقت يرسل المنجل لان الحصاد قد حضر | But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. |
ولكن ماذ لو ادرك الجميع أن بإمكانهم المساهمه في هذا التغيير | But what if everyone realized that they could contribute towards this change? |
و لكني تدريجيا بدأت ادرك برعب، أن تلاميذي ربما لم يتعلموا شيئا . | But I'm slowly coming to this horrifying realization that my students just might not be learning anything. |
اهذا فقط لانني كنت ساذجة لدرجة انني لم ادرك هذا من قبل | Is it only because I was naive, that I didn't realize it before? |
قال العدو اتبع ادرك اقسم غنيمة. تمتلئ منهم نفسي. اجرد سيفي. تفنيهم يدي. | The enemy said, 'I will pursue. I will overtake. I will divide the spoil. My desire shall be satisfied on them. I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.' |
قال العدو اتبع ادرك اقسم غنيمة. تمتلئ منهم نفسي. اجرد سيفي. تفنيهم يدي. | The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil my lust shall be satisfied upon them I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. |
وذلك جعل كل شيء يتوقف نوعا ما ولكن بطريقة ما لم ادرك ذلك | So, that kind of stops everything, but somehow I didn't realize like, |
كنت افكر بك ولكن لم ادرك بأنني رأيتك في مجلة قديمة هذا الصباح | I didn't realize who you were until I picked up an old magazine. |
في العشرين سنة الماضية ادرك الناس ان العلم لديه الكثير ليقدمه في مجال الغذاء | In the last 20 years, people have realized that science has a tremendous amount to do with food. |
لا ادرك ان كنت تستطيع ان ترى .. انني لم اتمكن من صنع عوازل الاسلاك | I don't know if you could see, but I was never able to make insulation for the wires. |
تعرف، انا لم ادرك ابدا كم انا مشتاق لهذا المكان الى ان عدت اليه | You know, I never realize now much I miss this place until I come back to it |
لكني بدات ادرك اني في الواقع استطعت تمييز الحيوانات من خلال نوع الومضات التي تحدثها. | But I started to realize that I could actually identify animals by the type of flashes they produced. |
ولكن عندما ادرك ان المجتمعات الغير مسلمة او الاشخاص الغير مسلمين في نفس المنطقة الجغرافية | But when I realized that the non Muslim, or the non Islamic minded actors in the same geography, sometimes behaved similarly, |
اقليدس ادرك انك تستطيع ان تضرب هذه العوامل الجذريه رقم محدد لكي تبني الرقم الاصلي | Euclid realized that you could then multiply these prime factors a specific number of times to build the original number. |
ووصف أيضا ظواهر معروفة في هذا المجتمع كـ الوقت الضائع حيث ادرك فجأة ويتلي ستربر | And he also described the phenomenon known in this community as lost time, where Whitley Strieber would suddenly become aware that he could not remember the previous ten minutes, or the previous ten hours, or the previous ten days. |
اوه، انني ادرك لما هي ما هو مطلوب منا (g(x لربما عليك ان توسع هذا | Oh, I see why it's a little they want us g of x you kind of have to expand this out. |
واستغرق الامر بعض الوقت لكي ادرك معناها, ولكنه قال لي, حينما ذهبت الى الكلية, قال لي, | And it took me a while to understand it, but he said to me, when I went to college, he said, |
انا ادرك إنكم تنظرون لانفسكم كبشر ولكن انا اراكم تسعون او تسعه و تسعون بالمائه بكتريا | I know you think of yourself as human beings, but I think of you as 90 or 99 percent bacterial. |
انا اعلم سيدة بارادين, ادرك ما قد مررت به ولكنى ا رسلت الى هنا لألقاء القبض عليك | I know, Mrs Paradine, I know what you've been through... but I'm here to arrest you. |
ليس اني قد نلت او صرت كاملا ولكني اسعى لعلي ادرك الذي لاجله ادركني ايضا المسيح يسوع. | Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect but I press on, if it is so that I may take hold of that for which also I was taken hold of by Christ Jesus. |
ليس اني قد نلت او صرت كاملا ولكني اسعى لعلي ادرك الذي لاجله ادركني ايضا المسيح يسوع. | Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. |
لم ادرك التا ثير الكلي لهذا، لكني ذهبت لكوستاريكا و مكثت مع افراد من قبيلة قوامي الاصليين هناك، | I didn't realize the full effect of this, but I went to Costa Rica and I stayed with these Guaymí natives there, and they could pull leaves off of trees and make shingles out of them, and they could make beds out of trees, and they could I watched this woman for three days. |
وبالنسبة لماريوت, لو لم يكن خائفا هكذا بحماقة لكان قد ادرك انك كنت تدفعينا كلينا نحو الزاوية... . | And if Marriott hadn't been scared silly... he'd have realized you were pushing us both in the corner. |
وبدأت ادرك ان هناك عدة طرق للحلول الدبلوماسية الدبلوماسية مثل التجارة لان التجارة ما هي الا حل للمشاكل | And I began to realize that there are different ways of doing diplomacy that diplomacy, like business, is a business of solving problems, and yet the word innovation doesn't exist in diplomacy it's all zero sum games and realpolitik and ancient institutions that have been there for generations and do things the same way they've always done things. |
ان تبقى محايدة . ادركت الولايات المتحدة خاصة ف د ر فرانكلين ديلانو روزفلت ادرك ان هتلر كان معتديا. | The U.S. had recognized, especially FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt he had recognized that Hitler was an aggressor. |