Translation of "took him" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
You took him too far. You took him over his head. | جعلتيه يذهب بتفكيره بعيدا وجعلتى منه مشتت العقل |
Took care of him? | إتعتنى به |
They took him away. | توقعت ذلك. |
They took him I think it was for his birthday they took him for lunch. | لقد أخذوه .. اعتقد انه كان يوم عيد ميلاده فقد أخذوه بدعوة إلى وجبة الغداء |
They took him, beat him, and sent him away empty. | فاخذوه وجلدوه وارسلوه فارغا. |
It took him three months. | استغرق منه ثلاثة أشهر. |
Something took control of him. | لقد سيطر عليه شيئ ما. |
I took it from him. | أخذتها منه |
One night, I took him | ليلة ما، اصطحبته ? .. ? |
Who took him to account? | من أخذه للحساب أنه أيضـا أبيك |
Fate took care of him. | ولكن القدر أعتنى به. |
Ten men took him away. | أخذه عشرة رجال |
Willie took him up top. | ويلى أخذة إلى فوق ..... |
Either I took him along, or I killed him. | إما أن آخذه معي، أو أن أقتله. |
Quint taught him to ride and took him walking. | كوينت عل م ه الر كوب وأ خذ ه ي تم شي. |
We took him to the MRI machine, we took him to the CAT scanner, we took this day old child and gave him over for an arterial blood draw. | أخذناه إلى آلة التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي والماسحة الضوئية، أخذنا هذا الطفل الذي عمره يوم واحد وسحبنا الدم من شريانه. |
They took him, killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. | فأخذوه وقتلوه واخرجوه خارج الكرم. |
We took him to the hospital. | نحن أخذناه إلي المستشفي. |
I took him to the hospital. | أنا أخذته إلي المستشفي. |
Tom took his camera with him. | أخذ توم كمرته معه. |
And his wife actually took him. | اصطحب ت ه زوجته. |
God knows where they took him. | الله وحده يعلم أين أخذوه |
You took him for a ride. | أخذوا منه من أجل الرحلة |
I took him to the park. | لقد اصطحبته إلى المنتزه. |
I've took to him like pitch. | فقد اهتممت به جيدا |
Finally, we took pity on him. | أشفقنا عليه في النهاية |
Bithiah took him from the river. | أى طفل بيثيا أخذته من النهر |
I took it away from him. | أنا أخذته منه |
They took him away this morning. | قبضوا عليه هذا الصباح |
Catherine took him to the station. | أخذته كاثرين إلى المحطة |
And they laid their hands on him, and took him. | فألقوا ايديهم عليه وامسكوه. |
He took the secret with him when I dropped him. | لقد أخذ السر معه عندما أسقطته |
They then strip searched him, took away his shoelaces, took away his belt, and left him in solitary confinement. | ثم فتشوه عاريا أخذوا شريط حذائه وحزامه .وتركوه في الحبس الانفرادي |
You just took him down a peg because you needed him. | أنت أنزلتـه درجة وحسب بسبب إحتيـاجك لـه |
Well, we took him to the graveyard and put him down. | حسنا , أخذناه إلى المقبرة و دفناه |
Sami took the diamond ring with him. | أخذ سامي خاتم الألماس ذاك معه. |
Sami took all the soap with him. | أخذ سامي كل الص ابون معه. |
The police took him to the hospital. | وأطلق أحد أفراد الشرطة رصاصة اخترقت منزله وأصابته في بطنه. |
They took the knife away from him. | أخذو السكين بعيدا منه . |
We took him to see the Mountain. | واخذناه لرؤية الجبل وتحمس كثيرا |
This really took a toll on him. | حادثة الاعتداء هذه أثرت عليه |
They took him to a special area. | اقتادوه إلى منطقة خاص ة. |
I killed him and took his place. | لقد قتلته وأخذت مكـانه |
Took him up to the Astor Hotel. | واخذته الى فندق استور |
The night they took him before Pilate. | الليل أخذوه قبل بيلات. |
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