Translation of "and had" to Arabic language:

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

And suddenly we had Netscape, and we had Yahoo and we had, indeed, the entire dotcom bubble.
وفجأة صار لدينا نتسكيب، وصار لدينا ياهو وكان لدينا، في الواقع، فقاعة الدوت كوم بأكملها.
Layma and her sisters had had enough.
لايما و أخواتها كن قد إكتفين.
Leymah and her sisters had had enough.
لايما و أخواتها كن قد إكتفين.
We had this had vector a and we had this vector b.
لقد كان لدينا هذا المتجه a والمتجه b
We had wooden flutists, we had oboists, we had opera singers, we had guitar players, and we had rap singers.
كان لدينا مزامير خشبية، وأيضا أوبستس، كان لدينا مغنين الأوبرا، وعازفين الغيتار، وكان لدينا مغنين الراب.
I had 5,000 dollars and he had 2,000 and talent.
كان لدي 5000 وهو كان لديه 2000 بالموهبة
I had tempted fate... and fate had accepted.
لــقد إنجذبـت للإيمـان و الإيــمان قد قــبل
She had had servants, and food and clothes, but no one had taken any notice of her.
يبدو أن أي شخص حقا فتاة صغيرة. وقالت انها قد خدم ، والمواد الغذائية والملابس ، ولكن أحدا لم تتخذ أي إشعار لها.
You had mumps and measles and you had your appendix out.
أصبت بالن كاف والحصبة وقمت بإزالة الزائدة
She had stood up right away, had waited, and had then sprung forward nimbly.
وقالت انها وقفت على الفور ، وانتظرت ، وكان ثم ظهرت برشاقة إلى الأمام.
My wife had had a headache and had gone to bed right after dinner.
فقد كانت زوجتى تعانى من صداع و أوت الى الفراش بعد العشاء
Existing initiatives and standards had had their successes, but they also had weaknesses and there were still gaps.
وقال إن المبادرات والمعايير القائمة قد حققت نجاحات لكنها لم تخل من مواطن قصور ولا تزال تعتريها ثغرات.
Important resolutions had been adopted but had remained unimplemented, and the gap between rhetoric and reality had widened.
فقد اعتمدت قرارات هامة، ولكنها لم تكن تطبق، وتوسعت الثغرة بين اﻷقوال والحقيقة.
You had dotcom fever. And you had gold fever.
هناك حم ى الـ dotCOM شبكة الإنترنت . وهناك أيضا حم ى الذهب.
We had marginal profits, and we had unhappy stakeholders.
كانت لدينا أرباح هامشية، و كان شركاؤنا غير مسرورين.
And then we had dancing. We had everyone dance.
ثم كان لدينا الرقص. كان كل شخص يرقص.
And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.
ولكل واحد اربع اوجه ولكل واحد اربعة اجنحة.
Twice he had felt faint and dizzy... ... and that had worried him.
.. و مرتين كاد أن يتعرض للإغماء و الدوار و هذا ما جعله يشعر بالقلق ..
He had snatched at the money forthwith and had been knocked headlong, and when he had got to his feet the butterfly money had vanished.
كان قد اختطف على الفور الاموال وسبق ان خرجت بتهور ، وعندما كان عليه نهض على قدميه المال فراشة اختفت.
And the disbeliever had not believed , nor had he prayed .
فلا صدق الإنسان ولا صلى أي لم يصدق ولم يصل .
And the disbeliever had not believed , nor had he prayed .
فلا آمن الكافر بالرسول والقرآن ، ولا أد ى لله تعالى فرائض الصلاة ، ولكن كذ ب بالقرآن ، وأعرض عن الإيمان ، ثم مضى إلى أهله يتبختر مختالا في مشيته . هلاك لك فهلاك ، ثم هلاك لك فهلاك .
Let's say you had this equation, and then you had
لنقل لو كان لديك هذه المعادلة، وكان
I had 4 lemons, and then I had 3 more.
كان معي أربعة ليمونات ثم حصلت علي ثلاثة أخري
He had discovered that the prisoner and I had been...
... كان قد اكتشف أننـي و الم تهم كنا
Peace and national concord had been achieved and political stability had become irreversible.
فالسلام والوفاق الوطني قد رست أركانهما، كما أن الاستقرار السياسي قد اتخذ طابعا لا رجعة فيه.
I had the key grip, I had a chuck grip, I had a power grasp and I had a fine pinch.
استطعت الإمساك بالمفاتيح ، والإفلات ، والقبض بقوة والضغط بخفة.
As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over and he that had gathered little had no lack.
كما هو مكتوب الذي جمع كثيرا لم يفضل والذي جمع قليلا لم ينقص
As a young military officer, he had visited our country and had had an excellent experience.
والسبب أنه حين كان ضابطا عسكريا شابا زار بلادنا وخرج من تلك الزيارة بتجربة رائعة.
I had known that she had had a stroke, and that was some 10 years before.
كنت أعلم أنها أ صيبت من قبل بجلطة، منذ ما يقارب ال10 سنوات.
I've had some that could and wouldn't, and I've had some that would and couldn't.
كان لدي البعض بإستطاعهم القيام بهذا لكنهم لم يفعلوا، وكان لدي بعضهم خلقوا لكي يخترقوا ولكنهم ..لم يستطيعوا.
I've had some that could and wouldn't, and I've had some that would and could.
وكان لدي بعضهم خلقوا لكي يخترقوا ولكنهم ..لم يستطيعوا.
and had suffered many things by many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better, but rather grew worse,
وقد تألمت كثيرا من اطباء كثيرين وانفقت كل ما عندها ولم تنتفع شيئا بل صارت الى حال اردأ.
And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,
وقد تألمت كثيرا من اطباء كثيرين وانفقت كل ما عندها ولم تنتفع شيئا بل صارت الى حال اردأ.
Primary health care services had been improved, maternal and infant mortality had declined and the use of modern contraceptives had increased.
فتم تحسين خدمات الرعاية الصحية الأولية، وهبطت وفيات الأمهات والأطفال، وازداد استعمال موانع الحمل الحديثة.
Health and education services had been upgraded life expectancy had risen and the number of women in the workforce had doubled.
وقد ر ف ع مستوى خدمات الصحة والتعليم وارتفع العمر المتوقع وازداد عدد النساء في القوة العاملة إلى الضعف.
And I always had a project where you had to pick a historical character and you had to act them out.
وكنت دائما أعطي الطلاب مشروعا يختارون فيه شخصية تاريخية ويمثلها أمام الطلاب.
And indeed they had.
وقد أصبحوا بالتأكيد كذلك.
And they had lungs.
وقالت ان هناك رئتين تطابق المطلوب
And we had not
وكان لدينا الكثير
And had it answered.
وتمت إستجابتها
And I've had enough.
ولقد اكتفيت من هذا.
And so, they had minimal technology, but they had some technology.
ولذلك، كانت لديهم تكنولوجيا محدودة، لكن كانت لديهم بعض التكنولوجيا.
Over 90 had depressive conditions, and 63 had significant physical illness.
وكان أكثر من 90 ظروف الكساد، و 63 وكان مرض جسدي كبير.
Each village had a knez and 10 villages had an oborknez.
فكل قرية كان لها نياز، وكل 10 قرى كان لها أوبوركنيز.
Thus . And We had encompassed all that he had in knowledge .
كذلك أي الأمر كما قلنا وقد أحطنا بما لديه أي عند ذي القرنين من الآلات والجند وغيرهما خبرا علما .